Luminous Energy Unit Conversion





Most often used measurement conversion

Lumen seconds to Talbots (lm·s to T) converter
1 Lumen second (lm·s) is equal 1 Talbot (T) use this converter
Talbots to Lumen seconds (T to lm·s) converter
1 Talbot (T) is equal 1 Lumen second (lm·s) use this converter


Luminous energy - sometimes referred to as quantity of light, luminous energy describes the energy of light. It differs from the observable radiant energy as it also takes into accounts the light that cannot be seen by human eye. The standard SI unit used to describe luminous energy is the lumen/second.

Units of measurement

Lumen hour (lm·h), Lumen minute (lm·min), Lumen second (lm·s), Talbot (T)

About Luminous Energy Unit Conversion tool.

We use rounding at This means that some results will be rounded to avoid the numbers getting too long. While often rounding works up to a specific decimal place, we’ve decided that limiting the length of the result to 13 digits would be more favorable to keep the results consistent. The converters accept scientific notation and converts immediately.