Electric Charge Unit Converter
Most often used measurement conversion
- Coulombs to Faradays (C to F) conversion
- 1 Coulomb (C) is equal 1.036426864904E-5 Faraday (F) use this converter
- Faradays to Coulombs (F to C) conversion
- 1 Faraday (F) is equal 96485.341499964 Coulombs (C) use this converter
- Faradays to Microcoulombs (F to µC) conversion
- 1 Faraday (F) is equal 96485341499.964 Microcoulombs (µC) use this converter
- Microcoulombs to Faradays (µC to F) conversion
- 1 Microcoulomb (µC) is equal 1.036426864904E-11 Faraday (F) use this converter
- Microcoulombs to Nanocoulombs (µC to nC) conversion
- 1 Microcoulomb (µC) is equal 1000 Nanocoulombs (nC) use this converter
- Nanocoulombs to Microcoulombs (nC to µC) conversion
- 1 Nanocoulomb (nC) is equal 0.001 Microcoulomb (µC) use this converter
Electric charge - a fundamental property of matter that refers to the force it experiences when near any other matter that has an electrical charge, forming an electromagnetic field. How an electric charge interacts with an electromagnetic field is described as Lorentz force.
Units of measurement
Abcoulomb (abC), Ampere-hour (Ah), Coulomb (C), Elementary charge (e), Faraday (F), Kilocoulomb (kC), Megacoulomb (MC), Microcoulomb (µC), Milliampere-hour (mAh), Millicoulomb (mC), Nanocoulomb (nC), Statcoulomb (statC)
About Electric Charge Unit Converter tool.
We use rounding at unit-conversion.info. This means that some results will be rounded to avoid the numbers getting too long. While often rounding works up to a specific decimal place, we’ve decided that limiting the length of the result to 13 digits would be more favorable to keep the results consistent. The converters accept scientific notation and converts immediately.