Pentagonal Pyramid (Johnson solids) Calculator


A pentagonal pyramid of this kind has as the name might suggest, a pyramid with a five sided base and 5 triangle shaped faces - and all edge lengths are equal. As long as you know the length of an edge, you can use the calculator to figure out the volume, height and surface are aof the pyramid.

Equation form:

Surface Area (SA) = l² + l * √(l² + (2 * h)²)
hegiht (H) = √5 - √5 * a
Surface Area (SA) = (√(25 + 10 * √5) + 5 * √3) * a²
Volume (V) = (5 + √5) * a³

About Pentagonal Pyramid (Johnson solids) Calculator tool.

Remember this tool should be used only to calculate area, perimeter or volume of a figure. The results we provide are accurate, but rounded to the 12th decimal place. It accepts scientific notation and converts immediately.