Parallelogram Calculator

Enter side length a and b

Enter side length and height


Parallelogram - An Euclidean geometry shape, the parallelogram consists of 4 sides, forming 2 parallel pairs. The angles opposite to each other are the same, the sides in pairs are of the same length. The name comes from the Greek παραλληλ-όγραμμον, meaning literally a shape made of parallel lines.

Equation form:

d1 = √(a² + 2 * a * b* cosα + b²)
d2 = √(a² - 2 * a * b* cosα + b²)
Perimeter = 2 * a + 2 * b
Area enclosed (A) = a*h

About Parallelogram Calculator tool.

Remember this tool should be used only to calculate area, perimeter or volume of a figure. The results we provide are accurate, but rounded to the 12th decimal place. It accepts scientific notation and converts immediately.