Magnetic Field Strength Unit Conversion
Most often used measurement conversion
- Amperes per meter to Gilberts per meter (A/m to Gi/m) converter
- 1 Ampere per meter (A/m) is equal 1.2566370614359 Gilberts per meter (Gi/m) use this converter
- Gilberts per meter to Amperes per meter (Gi/m to A/m) converter
- 1 Gilbert per meter (Gi/m) is equal 0.79577471545948 Ampere per meter (A/m) use this converter
- Gilberts per meter to Oersteds (Gi/m to Oe) converter
- 1 Gilbert per meter (Gi/m) is equal 0.01 Oersted (Oe) use this converter
- Oersteds to Gilberts per meter (Oe to Gi/m) converter
- 1 Oersted (Oe) is equal 100 Gilberts per meter (Gi/m) use this converter
Magnetic field strength - it’s the strength of the magnetic field, depending on whether it’s a physics or theoretical physics term, it can have slightly different meanings. In physics it simply describes the magnitude of the vector value of the field, in theoretical physics, where it can be referred to as the curvature form, it describes an antisymmetric matrix.
Units of measurement
Ampere per meter (A/m), Ampere-turn per meter (AT/m), Gilbert per meter (Gi/m), Oersted (Oe)
About Magnetic Field Strength Unit Conversion tool.
We use rounding at This means that some results will be rounded to avoid the numbers getting too long. While often rounding works up to a specific decimal place, we’ve decided that limiting the length of the result to 13 digits would be more favorable to keep the results consistent. The converters accept scientific notation and converts immediately.