Sort lines

About Sort lines tool

Sort lines using this utility for the input data. You can sort the inputted data in several ways including, ascending, descending, length ascending, length descending, natural sort ascending, and natural sort descending. Natural sort ordering refers to a convention of alphanumerical sort that seems natural to humans. To use the feature, follow these steps. See some sample sorts following.

  • 1. Paste or input data in the Input window.
  • 2. From the drop-down, choose from ascending, descending, length ascending, length descending, natural sort ascending, and natural sort descending.
  • 3. See the result in the output window.

Input data:

  • A is the first letter of this line.
  • Z is the first letter of this line two.
  • P is the first letter of this line three.


  • Ascending
  • A is the first letter of this line.
  • P is the first letter of this line three.
  • Z is the first letter of this line two.
  • Descending
  • Z is the first letter of this line two.
  • P is the first letter of this line three.
  • A is the first letter of this line.
  • Length ascending
  • A is the first letter of this line.
  • Z is the first letter of this line two.
  • P is the first letter of this line three.
  • Length descending
  • P is the first letter of this line three.
  • Z is the first letter of this line two.
  • A is the first letter of this line.
  • Natural sort ascending
  • A is the first letter of this line.
  • Z is the first letter of this line two.
  • P is the first letter of this line three.
  • Natural sort descending
  • P is the first letter of this line three.
  • Z is the first letter of this line two.
  • A is the first letter of this line.